Robbie Hawkins: ‘It was great seeing the enthusiasm of the students about radio and news’

National Volunteer Week June 2024: Celebrating our Alumni Volunteers

Part six: Robbie Hawkins

This week we will be celebrating and highlighting some of the amazing work that our alumni volunteers do in support of our University of Hull community.  For some it may be a one off such as speaking at an event or for others it may be longer term e.g. volunteering for the Student Futures Career E-Mentoring Programme.  Which ever way that time is given we appreciate every moment of it!

Today we shine the spotlight on Robbie. Robbie started his radio career here at Hull as a HUSU radio presenter whilst studying for his degree and today works as a Senior Producer for LBC radio.  Robbie spent a day volunteering at the University in March which included a talk to students, meeting one of his former tutors for coffee and discussion, lunch with Jam Radio representatives  and finished with being interviewed and filmed for an alumni podcast in the Jam Radio studio in the Students’ Union!

1. In what capacity have you been an alumni volunteer at the University of Hull?

I returned to campus in March 2024 to speak to students about working in news and radio. 

2. Please could you tell us what motivated you to give your time back to the University of Hull?

I come into contact with a lot of people in my industry who didn’t go to places like the University of Hull, and when I was a student I didn’t always feel there was a space for me in the industry. I’m keen to change that – as the people I’ve met haven’t been any more impressive or capable than those people I met at Hull.

3. What do you enjoy most about your volunteering at the University of Hull?

It was great seeing the enthusiasm of the students about radio and news, and feeling like I might have been able to help them somehow. It was very rewarding and I was made to feel very welcome, whilst it was also great to come back to campus and to Hull to see how things have changed.

4. What do you think are the benefits of volunteering?

Helps other people and is enjoyable!

5. Please could you describe what connection you feel towards the University of Hull and its staff and students today?

Better for having volunteered! Feel louder in my pride as part of the alumni.

6. Would you recommend being a volunteer to your fellow University alumni?

Yes definitely – you don’t realise how helpful people find it.

Has Robbie inspired you to become an alumni volunteer? To find out more email Jill Smithson, Alumni Volunteer Coordinator at or Interested in being an alumni volunteer – sign up here

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